About Us

The Church in Newarthill and Carfin

Following the Union of the two Churches, Newarthill and Carfin Parish Church started its new life on 22nd February 2012. Both Churches have been a part


of the villages for over 200 years providing, along with others, a Christian witness in the Parish. The villages have seen many changes throughout that time but along with the other Churches, Community Groups and Organisations we have been actively involved in all walks of village life. The Church has and will continue to provide a place for everyone – young, old and in between – to meet and enjoy activities within a safe, welcoming Christian environment.

The Church provides for everyone in the Parish, whether you are a member or not and includes –

Christian Worship every Sunday at 11:15am

Youth and Adult groups

A Minister who carries out ministerial work including Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals etc. and who is also available for
confidential consultation at any time
Buildings in both Newarthill and Carfin which are an asset to the community for its use
Regular drop in clubs, Coffee Mornings etc.
and so much more.

In 2002 Newarthill celebrated its bi-centenary and we hope that in 2102 we will be able to look back with equal satisfaction at the contribution the Church has made in our community.  We know that we face a very different challenge in the next 100 years within our community and the Church locally will continue to develop its work to provide for everyone, especially those who are most in need in our village.

To achieve this we need to be part of a community whose groups and other Churches, organisations, clubs are all working together to meet a common purpose – to provide the best for us.

All these groups rely on you to support them. They rely on many of you to volunteer to organise and lead the organisations and groups.

They also depend on you to financially. The Churches are no exception. The costs of providing the substantial buildings and accommodation for groups to meet and use are increasing significantly

The Church is grateful for the support given by the villagers throughout the years as members of the Church or its organisations, regular contributors, visitors to our events, fayres, sales of work etc. and we look forward to providing our services to you for a long time to come.